About Us

About Us

 GTWA is basically an organization for teacher & non-teaching staff. The values, ethics and personal behavior of teachers is transmitted to the next generation of a nation. We will maintain our 'Swadharma' i.e. teaching everywhere in the society while maintaining self-respect. Linked with social activities we will fight unitedly against all odds. 'Sa Vidya Ya Vimuktaye' - Let this be our motto.          

GTWA is a non-religious and non-political platform. So internally it does not in any way oppose any religion or believe in any political ideology. Core committee members are elected by the general members and are accountable to the organization. Policy formulation of GTWA is not influenced by any person or organization alien to it in any way. The views of general members are taken seriously and policies are formulated. The Core Committee is accountable to the general membership for its work. The Core Committee has exclusive powers to make decisions or policies except in certain areas and reasons. GTWA respects and cherishes all religions. Since religion is covered by human conscience and belief, there is no interference by GTWA . Above all, the GTWA are always ready to cooperate with friendship for all kinds of struggle for justice, right, self-dignity to its reverend teacher- members.

Government Aided Teachers and Non -Teaching Coordination Committee in brief "GTWA " is a social Organization. Any govt. aided Primary/ M.P / H.S. / College / University teacher or non-teaching staff irrespective of religion -Community- caste can be the member of this organization. GTWA is a non-political organization. The members may have personal political views but this organization is not at all involved with any kind of politics. Do not involve political agendas with the activities and protests of this organization.

GTWA will play the leading role to secure social responsibilities, professional problems and social honor of teachers and non-teaching staff. GTWA will work for the development of schools and overall development of students. GTWA will work for the economic support of needy students, drop-out problem after the Covid pandemic, free health-checkup camp for students, free coaching vocational training, quiz, seminar, magazine, Publication etc. maintaining the govt. System and acting as a supportive.

The main objects of GTWA are against the mean conspiracy to disrespect teachers socially and to provide legal advice and help in various problems, such as teacher service book, pension issues, DI office’s non-cooperation, Provident Fund, private tuition issues and procrastination, transfers, teachers' CCL etc. Please note that the jurisdiction of GTWA will be confined within the state West Bengal only.

GTWA is mainly an organization of teachers and non-teaching staffs, Future generation is enriched with the moralities, cultures and values of teachers. We shall fight against all obstacles jointly involving ourselves with social works. Registering in this platform automatically directs a person/member to obey following & other rules and regulations as laid by GTWA 

A few words about GTWA

1) Government aided Teachers & Non-Teaching Welfare Association abbreviated as "GTWA " is a social organization. Regardless of caste-color-religion, government-approved or sponsored primary/ secondary/ college/university teachers / non-teaching staff can be members of this organization.

2) GTWA is a non-political organization. Members may have personal political ideologies. But in no way this organization is related to party politics. Party politics cannot be mixed with the program and movement of the organization.

3) GTWA will play a leading role in social responsibility, livelihood protection and social justice of teachers. GTWA will carry out programs for the development of school infrastructure, overall development and value development of students. GTWA will work as an auxiliary force alongside government management through programs such as financial assistance to needy students, health camps, free-coaching, livelihood education training, quizzes, seminars, magazine publication, environment awareness etc.

The main aim of the organization is to provide legal advice and help in various problems, such as teacher service book, pension issues, DI office’s non-cooperation, Provident Fund, private tuition issues and procrastination, transfers, teachers' CCL etc.

4) Every member of GTWA organization should inform his/her personal contact details (name, mobile number, email, school name, etc.) to the core committee through registration process preferably via website if available.

5) If any member of the GTWA organization is in any way involved in any anti-social or non-educational activities or publishing/canvassing any activity which is harmful for the integrity of the organization, the organization shall be liable to expel him/her. The decision of the core committee of the organization in this regard is final through its meeting or discussions with majority of core committee members.

6) Any member of the GTWA organization who carries out false propaganda against the organization or distributes the program of the organization to any opposition group, will be expelled from the organization.

7) The amount incurred for legal advice and other expenses for the prosecution of the case in court will be spent through the Core Committee. It will be borne from the initial / monthly subscription of the members.

8) Active participation and cooperation of members in various programs or social activities of the organization (free mock test, free coaching, quiz, seminar, publication of magazine, health camp etc.) is mandatory.

9) The expenses incurred in meetings of the core Committee with the District or Unit or the expenses incurred in the District's own meetings or AGM (ie: mic, light, house rent, tea, water etc.) shall be borne by the core Committee. District units initially bear the cost, but after submission of accounts to the core Committee, the cost will be handed over to the member in charge of the district or unit.

10) The initial and monthly subscription of the members should be deposited with the in-charge member of the district or unit or directly though online. After few months subscriptions can be sent online directly. Districts/Units will not be involved in money transactions.

11) In case of any local problem related to teacher service book, pension issues, DI office’s non-cooperation, Provident Fund, private tuition issues and procrastination, transfers, teachers' CCL etc. unit leaders should be informed immediately. The unit leaders will discuss with the state committee immediately and take a quick decision. Each unit will collect the names, mobile numbers, email etc. of the Administrative Officers of their own area ( Police IC, / S. D. P.O / S. P. / DI / BDO/ DM/ SDO) and shall send copies thereof to the core Committee.

12) The unit leaders of each district along with core committee members & other notable member known by his works for the organisation shall constitute central committee & divide the responsibility of the activities of the organization as guided by core committee among the members of their district. In order to increase the number of members of the group in the future and facilitate working through mutual communication.

13) If there is any complaint about the activities of the organization, it should be raised in the discussion meeting of core committee through proper procedure. The opinion of the majority core committee members shall be considered admissible.

14) All deposits and expenses of the organization will be verified by professional accountants and auditors and presented in the annual general meeting. If any member has any query in this regard or AGM procedure, it should be mentioned in the same meeting (AGM) and resolved through discussion. Subsequently, the Core Committee will not be bound to give any reply in this regard.

15) The Core Committee shall have the absolute power to review, revise, modify, amend and alter any decision , policy or rule to be followed including the formation of governing body with proper persons as suitable & selected by the core committee through its meeting or discussions with majority of core committee members. The Core Committee shall have the power to formulate and amend new policies/rules/structure of governing body subject to circumstances arising out of the above matters through its meeting or discussions with majority of core committee members. The decision of majority of core committee members is final in this regard & core committee members will not be bound to give any explanation/clarification to anyone /member regarding the same. It is pertinent to mention that if any situation arises , which is not covered by the rules as mentioned above , core committee shall have the absolute power to resolve the same through its meeting or discussions with majority of core committee members.

--------------------Promoted by GTWA Core Committee