Cancellation Policy

Refund and Cancellation Policy

We thank you and appreciate your membership/contribution with us. Please read the policy, conditions and process carefully as they will give you important information and guidelines about your rights and obligations as our member, concerning any membership you make through us unless specifically stated otherwise on our website pages or readers offer advertisements. The policy with regard to processing of refund, shall be in accordance with the clauses as set forth:

PROCESSING OF REFUND We hereby state that the said Refund policy only pertains to the failure of payments for the membership which you shall be transferring through our Platform. The membership fee paid to the platform, shall not be refundable under any circumstances whatsoever. We further state that we are not responsible for the refund of donation made for the organization. The discretion to refund the donation shall vest solely with the owner of the platform. The Refund shall be processed by us only after your request for refund is duly scrutinized and we are satisfied with the genuineness of the claim made by you. This could take us a minimum of 7 days and a maximum of 14 days. The refund shall be made to the bank account details which have been provided by you at the time of registering on the Platform. The refund would get reflected on your bank account within 7-8 working days.

CANCELLATION BY THE COMPANY We may initiate any refunds due pursuant to the present Refund and Cancellation Policy. The Company at its sole discretion may cancel any order(s):

1.if we suspects a Member has undertaken a fraudulent transaction, or

2.if we suspects a Member has undertaken a transaction which is not in accordance with the Terms of Use, or case of unavailability of a service, or

4.If we do not wish to do work with the Member.

5.If the amount paid by the Member is incorrect regardless of whether because of an error in a price posted on the platform or otherwise communicated to the Member, or the Member is able to order a product/service before its scheduled on-sale or presale date or the Member is able to order a ticket/receipt that was not supposed to have been released for sale, then the we will have the right to cancel enrollment and refund the Member the amount that they have paid.

This will apply regardless of whether the issue arises as a result of human error or a transactional malfunction of the platform. Further, while all measures are taken to ensure accuracy of service specifications and pricing, the details of a service as reflected on the Platform may be inaccurate due to technical issues, typographical errors or incorrect service information provided to the Company by the teachers and in such an event you shall be notified as soon as such error comes to the notice of the Company. In such event, the Company reserves the right to cancel your order and refund any money that may have been paid by you towards purchase of such services. We maintain a negative list of all fraudulent transactions and non-complying Members, and reserve the right to deny access to such Members at any time or cancel any orders placed by them in future.